PSY406 GDB Fall 2020 solution idea:
Action Zone
The concept of action zone is important in this context.Action zone
is the area in the classroom where Student teacher interaction, and
student participation is greatest in the class.
The “action zone” is
the area of the classroom in which the teacher most successfully
engages students in learning. It is defined in terms of proximity to the
teacher. Students who sit in the action zone often participate more,
have more positive attitudes, and achieve more than students who sit at
the periphery of the classroom. Moving throughout the room as you teach
varies the location of the action zone, maximizing the number of
students who are engaged in learning.
Students who sit in the action zone often participate more, have more positive attitudes, and achieve more than students who sit at the periphery of the classroom. Simply by moving around the room, you can move the action zone to increase your proximity to students and include them in the action zone. You don’t have to move students; you just have to move yourself.
Action zone plays very important role in learning of Students.
this zone is strongly based upon teacher’s activity. So teacher’s all
activities during Learning is very vital here are the some methods
suggested by Psychologist for a teacher to enhance Learning in an action
zone.To increase action zone and Make learning most effective in class,
it is suggested by experts that a teacher should:
a) Move around in classroom rather than stay at one place
b) Establish eye contact with all students
c) Direct questions to all students
d) Vary seating of students from time to time
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