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Showing posts from August 12, 2016

cs605 gdb solution

The Waterfall Model is a documentation-driven model. It therefore generates complete and comprehensive documentation and hence makes the maintenance task much easier. The modern software development life cycle methodology can be subdivided into two types – the Traditional process and the agile process. characteristics of the structured approach, including: – distinct formal stages – long time periods – large-scale projects – large budgets – involvement of a development team consisting of: - analysts - designers – programmers.

cs609 Assigmnt 2016

For more discuss and ask question join this group Solved  By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani) As you know that file system plays a significant role to ensure integrity of data. In order to protect the data, file systems employ various access control techniques for secured access of file system operations such as deleting or modifying files. Now, you are required to identify a file system having top security features from existing file systems and briefly discuss any two prominent features which make the file system secure. ANS NTFS stands for "New Technology File System having top security features NTFS (NT file system; sometimes New Technology File System) is the   file system   that the   Windows NT   operating system   uses for storing and retrieving   file s on a   hard disk . NTFS is the Windows NT equivalent of the Windows 95 file allocation table ( FAT ) and the   OS/2   High Performance

cs201 GDB 2016

For more discuss and ask question join this group Solved   By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani) Answer: "Inline functions should be your choice because.1.It avoid function calling overhead.2. variables push/pop on the stack overhead is avoided during function call3. No return call from a function to other function which is again an linker complaining happen when include at mutiple places." -----------------------------------below is argument why normal functions are not choice . "If any one interested and against the argument of using inline function of my previous reply let just see how normal function works. For normal function call the program stores mem addr of instructions when u call a func. It loads the function into the memory then copies parameter values and jumps to the memory location of function you r calling.Now it run the function codes and stores the fun

Eng001 Assigment 2016 Solution

For more discuss and ask question join this group Solved   By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani) Elementary English: ENG001 Spring 2016 Assignment No. 3 Total Marks: 20 Lesson No.: 17-26 Instructions  Upload your assignments in a proper format, i.e. MS Word file. Corrupt files will be awarded zero marks.  The assignments should be zoomed in at 100%.  Please avoid plagiarism; plagiarized work will be marked zero.  Please avoid submitting copied assignments; otherwise, such a case would be referred to the discipline committee.  The font color should be black and the font size 12 Times New Roman.  After the due date, the assignments submitted via email would not be entertained. Q.1 Select the prominent words from the given word cloud and create an outline of the essay. Also write the essay in your own words based on that outline after choosing a suitable title. [Mar

Cs201 GDB 2016 Solution

For more discuss and ask question join this group Solved   By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani) Cs201 _GDB_Solution Answer: "Inline functions should be your choice because.1.It avoid function calling overhead.2. variables pop on the stack overhead is avoided during function call3. No return call from a function to other function which is again an overhead4.No linker complaining happen when include at mutiple places." Below is argument why normal functions are not choice . For normal function call the program stores member address of instructions when u call a function. It loads the function into the memory then copies parameter values and jumps to the memory location of function you r calling.Now it run the function codes and stores the function return valu, and then jump back to the location from where function was invoked.