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CS605 GDB Fall 2020 Solution

 Question : 

Directions to solve You are required to read “Definition One” and “Definition Two” then choose suitable software architectures style’s name for “Definition one” and “Definition Two” from the given list and write in the relevant row in the table 1 and table 2.

Furthermore, there are list of advantages and disadvantages given below that relate with the chosen software architectures style’s name (Definition one and two). You are required to write advantages and disadvantages in the relevant table of software architectures style’s name.

Software Architectures Styles:

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


Read/Write model

The open system interconnection

Rest API


Waterfall architecture

Definition One: A big application reside in one joint box or one big container. All components (business functions) will be written in a single application like a java war file and deployed on a single high performance server. This is the most common architecture used in traditional applications.

Definition Two: Break application into small business functions or services. These services are loosely coupled and interacts using API. These services act as an autonomous body and deployed in different servers.


Isolate Problems/Faults

Single Point of failure

Mixed technology stack

Simple to develop and deploy

Business components are tightly coupled

Communication between services is complex

Solution : 


Software Architectures Styles (Definition one):



Simple to develop and deploy

Single point of failure


Business components are tightly coupled





Software Architectures Styles (Definition Two):



Mixed technology stack

Communication between services is complex

Isolate Problems/Faults





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