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CS402 Final Term Paper Sept 2020


 CS402 Current paper,
Which one of the following languages is a non-regular language?
Which of the following are called as Halt states in PDA?
Identify the TRUE statement about following CFG:
S -> SB|AB
A -> CC
B -> b
C -> a
Which of the following cannot be represented by a regular expression?
Set of all palindromes over {a,b} is:
The CFG S--> aSa | bSb | a | b | ^ represents language.
The strings or words which do not belong to a language are called of that language.
The locations into which we put the input letters on "Input Tape" are called.
Identify the FALSE statement about following CFG:
S -> SB|AB
A -> CC
B -> b
C -> a
In a CFG, the non-terminals are denoted by.
Before the CFG corresponding to the given PDA is determined, the PDA is converted into the standard form which is called.
Set of all palindromes over {a,b} is:
Between the two consecutive joints on a path
For a machine with N number of states, the total number of strings to be tested, defined over an alphabet of m letters, is.
Ok wait aaik quiz kar rahaa hun phir karta hun
conversion form of PDA, there is
Which of the following is not a true theorem?
A is the one for which every input string has a unique path through the machine.
Identify the TRUE statement about following CFG:
S -> SB|AB
A -> CC
B -> b
C -> a
Prime is a language.
"The product of two regular languages is."
A problem that has decision procedure is called problem.
In the null production N --> ^, N is a.
Null production is a.
The language of all strings not beginning with ‘b’ partitions ∑* into distinct classes.
If R is regular language and Q is any language (regular/ non-regular), then Pref is regular.
Even-Even language partitions ∑* into distinct classes.
If a CFG has a null production, then it is.
Mealy machine ka 5 no ka sawal tha?
Regular Experation to CFG(context free gramer)
PDA graph draw karna tha
CFD dia huwa tha uska regular exprastion finde karna tha
2 long graph waly thy unki output btani thi. 


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