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Pak301 Assignment No. 01 Fall 2018

Assignment No. 01 (Graded)
Semester Fall  2018
Pak301- Pakistan Studies


·         What were the impacts of Aligarh Movement for reforming Muslim’s society in the Sub-content? Justify your answer with five valid points. 10 Marks   
·         Ans.

 The Aligarh Movement was the push to establish a modern system of education for the Muslim population of British India, during the later decades of the 19th century.
The movement′s name derives from the fact that its core and origins lay in the city of Aligarh in Northern India and, in particular, with the foundation of the Mohammedan Anglo Oriental Collegiate School in 1875.
 The founder of the oriental college, and the other educational institutions that developed from it, was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. He became the leading light of the wider Aligarh Movement.
Sir Syed launched the Aligarh Movement of which Aligarh was the center. He had two immediate objectives in mind: to remove the state of misunderstanding and tension between the Muslims and the new British government, and to induce them to go after the opportunities available under the new regime without deviating in any way from the fundamentals of their faith.
Keeping education and social reform as the two planks of his program, he launched the Aligarh Movement with the following objectives:
 To create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the British government and the Muslims.
 To persuade Muslims to learn English education.
 To persuade Muslims to abstain from politics of agitation.
 To produce an intellectual class from amongst the Muslim community.

         How did the Simla Deputation (1906) play a significant role to change the political scene of India in favor of the Muslims? Justify your answer with any five relevant points. 5 Marks  

On 8 October 1906 a deputation of prominent Muslims led by the Aga Khan visited Viceroy Minto at Shimla to present their demands. The demands were set out in what has become known as ‘The Shimla Deputation’. In they demanded that in all local and provincial elections Muslims should have their own representatives and that Muslims in all councils should have a higher percentage of seats than their percentage of the India population

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