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Eng001 Assigment 2016 Solution

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Solved  By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)

Elementary English: ENG001
Spring 2016
Assignment No. 3
Total Marks: 20
Lesson No.: 17-26
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Q.1 Select the prominent words from the given word cloud and create an outline of
the essay. Also write the essay in your own words based on that outline after
choosing a suitable title.
[Marking Scheme: Outline: 5, Title: 5, Essay: 10, Total Marks: 20


Solution :

1. Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young
2. A positive or negative influence from a teacher
3. Different stations in the classroom
4. pretty decorations
5. the importance of teacher students relationship
6. Disadvantges and advantagesof becoming teacher
Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young,
impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore all
teachers should strive for what can be considered to be a “good teacher.” A good teacher
can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at
the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. A positive or
negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a
child. Teachers, especially at the elementary level, must be very creative with their
teaching styles.
Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. It is
difficult to keep the attention of 15-20 children under the age of ten. Classroom setup and
design is a good way to get and keep the attention of students. Workstations are a good
way to encourage different types of learning. By allowing children a chance to choose
which activities they want to participate in, children are taking control of their own
education. At the elementary level, children are always learning and sometimes don’t
even know it.
When I was in kindergarten, I can remember playing at the different stations in the
classroom. One station was for gardening and we could plant seeds and check them every
day to see how much they had grown. Another station in that classroom that sticks out in
my mind is the arts and crafts station.
There was a large array of crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper and building
materials we could use to make pretty decorations to give to our parents for our homes.
By choosing which station we wanted to work at, we were becoming much more
interested in what we were learning because we were doing what we wanted to do, not
what we had to do. By setting high standards for a student, the teacher is encouraging the
student to do the same and will eventually develop.
When teachers form positive bonds with students, classrooms become supportive spaces
in which students can engage in academically and socially productive ways (Hamre &
Pianta, 2001). Positive teacher-student relationships are classified as having the presence
of closeness, warmth, and positivity (Hamre & Pianta, 2001). Students who have positive
relationships with their teachers use them as a secure base from which they can explore
the classroom and school setting both academically and socially, to take on academic
challenges and work on social-emotional development (Hamre & Pianta, 2001). This
includes, relationships with peers, and developing self-esteem and self-concept (Hamre &
Pianta, 2001). Through this secure relationship, students learn about socially appropriate
behaviors as well as academic expectations and how to achieve these expectations.
Those passionate about teaching point to the benefits of working with children and
positively influencing the lives of their students. Other advantages of teaching are the
summer-off schedules and the ability to pursue intellectual interests. For example,
someone who's interested in physics may choose to pursue a college teaching career in
physics so they can further their own knowledge on the subject.
Teachers often struggle with the challenges of school budget cuts, large classroom sizes,
increasingly demanding curriculum requirements and lack of parental involvement.
School district financial woes may equate to pay cuts, layoffs and a reduction of job
benefits, such as healthcare and retirement, for many teachers. Some states have changed
laws giving school districts more flexibility in eliminating tenured teaching positions. By
eliminating tenured positions, districts are then able to hire new teachers for lower wages.


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