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Eng201 Current 2016 Mid Term Paper

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Solved  By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)

Paper eng201 today
1.Accuracy types
2.Memo,letter definition for true/false
3.Proposal types
4.Letter of recomendation
5.Bias types for true/false
6.Why statment objective is necessary?
7.Letter of inquiry definition
8.Experts read documents for what purpose?
9.Functional word contain?
10.Conventional resume
11.What word use instead of remuneration?

 Eng201 Mid term Paper 18-dec-2016
MCQS 10 MARKS only one from MOAZ
Q1. give an appropriate title to the following definition in the given below (2marks)
............... report is an extension of analytical reports. main focus is to sell an idea,a service, or product.
Q2. identify the given statement True or False (5marks)
1 60-90 percent effect of a message comes from non verbal cues.
2 word choice is one of thr factors of stylistic clarity
3 Technical Accurracy depends upon stylistic accuracy
4 The language associated with but not involving the word system is called paralanfuage
Q3. how can you differentiate between consideration and courtesy (5marks)
Q4. give a short familiar word for yhe following unfamiliar word. Ascertain Consummate Outlandish (3marks)

eng201 today papr
1. Importance of coherence(3)
2. Copmlete a line(2)
3.Choose the correct comunication way(2)
4.write acceptance latter responce to the oppointmant latter (5)
5. write a professional resume of yourself. you are pased MBA exam and have some experience (5)
6. write five advantages of writting(5)
objective sara past papr me sy tha


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