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Dev c++ 2nd class

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Solved  By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)

Dev c++ 2nd  lecture :

Structure of a program :

A computer program is a sequence of instructions that tell the computer what to do.


Statements and expressions
The most common type of instruction in a program is the statement. A statement in C++ is the smallest independent unit in the language. In human language, it is analogous to a sentence. We write sentences in order to convey an idea. In C++, we write statements in order to convey to the compiler that we want to perform a task. Statements in C++ are terminated by a semicolon.
There are many different kinds of statements in C++. The following are some of the most common types of simple statements:

int x;


int x is a declaration statement. It tells the compiler that x is a variable. In programming, a variable provides a name for a region of memory that can hold a value that can vary. All variables in a program must be declared before they are used. We will talk more about variables shortly.
x = 5 is an assignment statement. It assigns a value (5) to a variable (x).

std::cout << x

std::cout << x; is an output statement. It outputs the value of x (which we set to 5 in the previous statement) to the screen.


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