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Solved By : Tahir
\\\\ Psy401 ^^^ third <<< assg /// solution ^^^
Written by ufak Ali
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As a student of clinical psychology identify which technique is most suitable for treatment of phobia
experienced by Salma. (3)
Systematic desensitization
Who developed that technique? (3)
Salter and wolpe (1958)
Define that technique in your own words? (3)
Systematic desensitization is a behavioral technique commonly used to treat fear, anxiety disorders and
phobias. Using this method, the person is engaged in some type of relaxation exercise and gradually
exposed to an anxiety producing stimulus, like an object or place.
As a student of clinical psychology, how you would use this technique with Salma in order to get rid of
symptoms of phobia? (6)
First, I would train Salma with the fear of lizard in relaxation techniques. This is very similar to
meditation and there are scripts with exact wording that can be followed. I asking the Salma to close her
eyes, sit in a comfortable position, and relax all muscles while paying close attention to breathing slowly
and naturally, than i read through the script and encourage the Salma to relax each muscle in her body
from his head to his toes. The goal is to get the client into a completely relaxed physical state.
I would use step by step these steps
Think about lizard
See picture of lizard
See in box lizard
See on desk lizard
See on her foot lizard
See on her leg and then on her hand
Explain in detail all steps when Salma say she feel no fear
than go on next step.
Enlist any five common elements of psychotherapy.
1. Suggestion
2. Rational
3. Release of emotion
4. Restoration of morale
5. Relation between client and therapist
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