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cs401 GDB 2016

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Posted By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)

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I think writing real time program is very easy and well organized .When we use assembly language the major use of assembly language is in a class of time critical systems called real time systems. Real time systems have time bound responses, with an upper limit of time on certain operations. For such precise timing requirement, we must keep the instructions in our total control. In higher level languages we cannot even tell how many computer instructions were actually used, but in assembly language we can have precise control over them. Any reasonable sized application or a serious development effort has nooks and corners where assembly language is needed. And at these corners if there is no assembly language, there can be no optimization and when there is no optimization, there is no beauty. Sometimes a useful application becomes useless just because of the carelessness of not working on these jagged corners.


Real time computing (RTC) is actually a connection between hardware and software implementation in terms of time. It is also called reactive responsing or time critical.
So in context with real time systems if I am using Assembly language for application development , I will prefer it due to following reasons.
1- Assembly language gives more hardware control as compared to any other programming language.
2- It is essential for any programmer of Assembly language to have hardware knowledge to develop programs. So If programmer is well equipped with hardware knowledge , He can make more time efficient and effective programs.
3- As a programmer of assembly language you have freedom to control registers as per your own choice, Which demands more responsibility from programmer's end.
4- It gives the programmer flexibility to make programs as per user requirements.



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