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1.    Title
These Regulations may be called the “Student Scholarship Regulations, 2015".

2.    Commencement
These Regulations shall come into force with effect from Fall’2015 semester and shall supersede the Student Scholarship Regulation, 2010.

3.    Application
These regulations shall apply to regular students of the Virtual University of Pakistan registered for all of its degree programs.

4.    Definitions
In these Regulations unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:-
  1. "Board" means the Board of Governors of Virtual University of Pakistan.
  2. “Campus” means a campus of the Virtual University of Pakistan.
  3. "Chairman" means Chairman of the Management Committee.
  4. “Controller of Examinations” means the Controller of Examinations of Virtual University of Pakistan.
  5. "Director Finance" means the Director Finance of Virtual University of Pakistan.
  6. "Management Committee" means the Committee constituted by the Virtual University of Pakistan under these Regulations for the purpose of managing financial assistance to students.
  7. "Member" means a member of the Management Committee.
  8. “Merit List” means a list of students ordered either by percentage marks or Cumulative Grade Point Average.
  9. "Rector" means the Rector of Virtual University of Pakistan.
  10. "Registrar" means the Registrar of Virtual University of Pakistan.
  11. “Regional Campus Manager” means a Regional Campus Manager of Virtual University of Pakistan.
  12. "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Management Committee.
  13. “Student” means a registered student of Virtual University of Pakistan.
  14. "University" means the Virtual University of Pakistan.
All other terms and expressions shall have the same meaning as assigned to them under the Virtual University of Pakistan Ordinance 2002.
5.    Aims and Objectives
The University intends to provide scholarships to students:
  1. Merit-based, to encourage healthy academic competition amongst students and;
  2. Need-based, to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
6.    Management Committee
  1. The award of scholarships shall be managed by a Management Committee comprising:
i. RegistrarChairman
ii. Controller of Examinations Member
iii. Two Regional Campus Managers
  nominated by the Rector
iv. Director Finance Member/Secretary
  1. Quorum of the meeting will be three members present in person.
  2. The term of office of the nominated members shall be two years.
  3. The Committee shall meet at least twice during an academic year.

7.    Merit Scholarships
  1. Scholarships shall comprise partial or full remission of the applicable tuition fee only; students shall have to pay all other dues.
  2. Scholarships shall be valid for one semester only.
  3. Scholarships may be awarded only to such students who:
    1. are not in receipt of scholarship / financial assistance from any other source;
    2. have not received exemption for any course(s).
  4. In order to remain eligible for the award of merit scholarships, students must not have any repeat/fail course(s).
    1. The scholarship shall be terminated if
      1. the student freezes / withdraws / discontinues studies;
      2. the student is convicted in any unfair means / disciplinary case.
    2. Student whose scholarship has been terminated vide 7(e) (i) above will not be eligible for any further grant of scholarship during the same study program.
  5. Award of scholarships to newly admitted students
    1. The University shall compile separate Merit Lists for each of its programs on the basis of the examination on which the admission was granted.
    2. Students who have obtained at least 65% marks OR minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 OR minimum CGPA of 4.0 out of 5.0 (as applicable) shall be eligible for the award of a merit scholarship.
    3. One scholarship will be awarded for every fifty (50) students or part thereof subject to a maximum of ten scholarships in any study program and clause 7(f)(ii).
    4. In case of any tie in the determination of merit, the marks/CGPA obtained by students in the examination preceding the one on which the merit list was created, shall be considered; any remaining tie will be resolved on the basis of dates of birth, with the youngest being given precedence.
  6. Award of scholarships to continuing students
    1. To be eligible for the award of merit scholarships, student must have accumulated an equal or higher number of credits as prescribed in the applicable scheme of study.
    2. The University shall compile separate Merit Lists for each of its programs on the basis of semester GPA.
    3. Students who have obtained a minimum semester GPA of 3.25 while maintaining a CGPA of at least 3.00 shall be eligible for the award of a merit scholarship.
    4. One scholarship will be awarded for every fifty (50) students or part thereof subject to a maximum of ten scholarships in any study program and clause 7(g)(iii).
    5. In case of any tie in the determination of merit, the overall percentage marks for the semester shall be considered; any remaining tie will be resolved on the basis of dates of birth, with the youngest being given precedence.

8.    NEED Based Scholarships
  1. Scholarships shall comprise partial or full remission of the applicable tuition fee only; students shall have to pay all other dues,
  2. Scholarships shall be valid for one semester only,
  3. Scholarships may be awarded only to such students who:
    1. are not in receipt of scholarship / financial assistance from any other source;
    2. have not received exemption for any course(s).
  4. In order to remain eligible for the scholarships, students must not have any repeat/fail course(s),
    1. The scholarship shall be terminated if
      1. the student withdraws / discontinues studies;
      2. the student is convicted in any unfair means / disciplinary case.
    2. Student whose scholarship has been terminated vide 8(e) (i) above will not be eligible for any further grant of scholarship during the same study program.
  5. Scholarships shall be granted to local students only.
  6. The number and amount of scholarships shall be determined each year by the Management Committee based on the amount allocated in the annual budget.
  7. Award of Need Based scholarships to newly admitted students
    1. Students intending to avail Need Based scholarships shall apply on the prescribed form at the time of filing the admission application.
    2. Students who have obtained at least 60% marks OR minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 OR minimum CGPA of 3.5 out of 5.0 (as applicable) shall be eligible for the award of a Need Based scholarship.
    3. The University shall compile separate Merit Lists of the eligible applicants for each of its programs on the basis of the examination on which the admission was granted.
    4. The top students on each Merit List shall be awarded Need Based scholarships subject to Clause 8 (h)(ii) above.
    5. In case of any tie in the determination of merit, the marks/CGPA obtained by the students in the examination preceding the one on which the merit list was created, shall be considered; any remaining tie will be resolved on the basis of dates of birth, with the youngest being given precedence.
  8. Award of Need Based scholarships to continuing students
    1. To be eligible for the award of scholarships, student must have accumulated an equal or higher number of credits as prescribed in the applicable scheme of study.
    2. Students who are availing Need Based scholarships must achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.25 while maintaining a CGPA of at least 2.50, failing which the scholarship shall stand withdrawn.
    3. Such students whose scholarship has been withdrawn for not maintaining the required CGPA of 2.50 will become re-eligible for the scholarship upon achieving the required CGPA. However, the resumption of the scholarship shall be subject to the availability of funds.

9.    General
  1. Amount and number of scholarships are subject to availability of funds.
  2. The decisions of the Management Committee will be deemed to be final.
  3. These rules may be added to or modified as required from time to time.


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