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STA630 GDB 2016

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Posted By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)

Reliability Is an indicator of a measure’s internal consistency. Consistency is the key to understanding reliability. A measure is reliable when different attempts at measuring something congregate on the same result. If a professor’s marketing research tests are consistent, a student should tend toward consistent scores on all tests. In other words, a student that makes an 85 on the first test should make scores close to 85 on all subsequent tests. Another way to look at this is That the student who makes the best score on one test will exhibit scores close to the best score in the class on the other tests. If it is difficult to predict what students would make on a test by examining their previous test scores, the tests probably lack reliability. When a measuring process provides reproducible results, the measuring instrument is reliable.
Validity is the legality. legality is the precision of a measure or the degree to which a score honestly speaks to a idea. Accomplishing legitimacy is not a straightforward matter. The opening vignette portrays this point. The work execution measure should reflect work performance. In the event that a director's kinship influences the execution measure, then the scale's validity is lessened. In like manner, if the execution scale is characterized as exertion, the outcome may well be a solid scale however not one that boosts legitimacy. Exertion may well prompt performance yet exertion likely does not equivalent execution. Another case of a legitimacy inquiry may involve a media scientist who ponders what it implies when respondents demonstrate they have been uncovered to a magazine. The analyst needs to know whether the measure is legitimate. The subject of substantiality communicates the analyst's worry with precise estimation. Legitimacy addresses the problem of whether a measure (for instance, a demeanor measure utilized as a part of showcasing) for sure measures what it should gauge. Whenever a measure needs legitimacy, any conclusions in view of that measure are additionally prone to be broken. Understudies ought to have the capacity to relate to the following legitimacy issue.


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