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Assignment No. 2
Semester Spring 2016
Data Warehousing– CS614
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 11th July 2016
The assignment has been designed to develop your ability to understand the dimensional modeling and Star Schema.
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
1. The assignment will not be accepted after due date.
2. Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment that does not open or the file is corrupt.
3. The assignment file must be an MS Word (.doc) file format; Assignment will not be accepted in any other format.
4. Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if copied (from other student or copied from handouts or internet).
5. Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if the Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment file.
For any query about the assignment, contact only at
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Question 1 [20 Marks]
Please refer to case study given in assignment#01:
Consider the process “Player_performance”. The entities which are involved in the process are given in above ERD. The process has the following information;
“Ahsin made 75 runs in first innings of second test match”.
“Waqar made 95 runs in first innings of first test match”.
“Saleem made 150 runs in second innings of first test match”.
Semester Spring 2016
Data Warehousing– CS614
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 11th July 2016
The assignment has been designed to develop your ability to understand the dimensional modeling and Star Schema.
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
1. The assignment will not be accepted after due date.
2. Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment that does not open or the file is corrupt.
3. The assignment file must be an MS Word (.doc) file format; Assignment will not be accepted in any other format.
4. Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if copied (from other student or copied from handouts or internet).
5. Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if the Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment file.
For any query about the assignment, contact only at
Do not post queries related to assignment on MDB.
Question 1 [20 Marks]
Please refer to case study given in assignment#01:
Consider the process “Player_performance”. The entities which are involved in the process are given in above ERD. The process has the following information;
“Ahsin made 75 runs in first innings of second test match”.
“Waqar made 95 runs in first innings of first test match”.
“Saleem made 150 runs in second innings of first test match”.
You have studied four steps which are involved in dimensional modeling. First step is to identify the business process. Consider the process “Player_performance” described above. Apply the remaining steps of dimensional modeling to find out the grain, facts and dimensions and then model a simplified star schema from it.
You need to run the three steps i.e. grain, facts and dimensions of dimension modeling at your own. You have to only draw the star schema in Solution file
You have studied four steps which are involved in dimensional modeling. First step is to identify the business process. Consider the process “Player_performance” described above. Apply the remaining steps of dimensional modeling to find out the grain, facts and dimensions and then model a simplified star schema from it.
You need to run the three steps i.e. grain, facts and dimensions of dimension modeling at your own. You have to only draw the star schema in Solution file
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