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cs302 GDB 2016

For more discuss and ask question join this group
Posted By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)

Total Marks

Starting Date Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Closing Date Thursday, July 28, 2016
Status Open
Question Title Graded Discussion Board

Graded Discussion Board Topic
Binary language or machine language is the basic language of computer system and it consists of zeros and ones. As it is a universal fact that modern digital computers understand and store data in the form of binary language i.e. 0, 1. Where ‘0’ represents OFF/Absent while ‘1’ represents ON/Present in electronic circuits.
Now assume that you are designing a computer system that is supposed to operate on tertiary language i.e. -1, 0, 1. 
In your opinion how will it affect the storage of computer systems?Support your answer with valid arguments.

Read the following instructions carefully before sending your comments
  1. Your discussion must be based on logical facts.
  2. Your comments should be relevant to the topic i.e. clear and concise (Maximum 4-5 lines answer).
  3. You should post your comments on Graded Discussion Board & not on the Regular MDB. Both will run parallel to each other during the time specified above.
  4. Books, websites and other reading material may be consulted before posting your comments. (Do not copy the material as it is.)
  5. GDB will have weight-age of 5% of your total subject marks.
  6. No extra time will be given for discussion.
  7. You cannot participate in the discussion after the due date or through e-mail.


  IDea Solution by Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)

For more discuss and ask question join this group
Posted By : Tahir Siddiqui(Mani)
IDea Solution :

We take in account the binary system and consider
1MB has 1,048,576 bytes which is equivalent to 8,388,608 bits as 1 byte is made of 8bits

If 1 and 0 are the only type (state) of storage values which will have a total combination is equal to 2 raised to the total number of bits present in the data or memory size.

 If we increase the type (state) of storage value to 1, 0 to -1,0, 1 we will more number of combinations as the bit size of the same memory has increased to 13,295,629 form 8,388,608 which is an increase of 1.58 magnitude of bits which is equivalent to 1,661,953 bytes which will store data as compared to binary system 1.58 times.


  1. 1MB m 1024 bytes hoty hain i think so why u write in this 1MB has 1048566 bytes can u tell me which caluculation is used in this gdb

  2. Some researchers are trying to get a memory cell capable of having 3 states instead of 2.
    1) How many memory cells, in principle and as a rough estimate, does a typical 1 megabyte memory chip has? is it 8*1024 cells?
    2) If you have N memory cells, each has x logical levels, what is the number of possible representations that we can get out of it? is it x^N representations?
    Let's take Binary system as an example. Say we have 8*1024 memory cells. We can store only one of the possible 2^N representations in each cell, so at the end the number of stored bits is just N=8*1024. Now, for Ternary system, the gain is log2(3) ~ 1.58 times so we can store ~ 1.58 * 8 * 1024 "bits" or 8*1024*1024 "trits".


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