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Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
Note: Use Notepad or Notepad++ for coding and JDK package for java source code compilation and running (A guideline document on JDK installation and configuration is given in course download section). You can also use IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans.
The objective of this assignment is to
Problem Statement:
You are required to write a java program which contains three classes named as Main, employeeDB, GUI and one database file named employeeDB.
employeeDB class must have the following member methods:
getConnection(): It should have functionality to connect to database and return an object of type Connection.
Default Constructor: It should call the getConnection() method.
employeeRecords(): It should display all employee records from the database table named Employee.
averageSalary(): It should return a value of type integer which is the average salary of all employees from Employee table.
empSalary(): It should display all employee records having salary greater than 10,000.
GUI class must have the following member methods:
Event handling function: All three buttons should have event handling mechanism.
Main is a public driver class that contains the main() method. Within main() method, you will create an object of GUI class.
Database file contains the Employee data which has four properties Id, Name, Age and Salary.
Sample Output:
Output on Command prompt
All Employee records
1 Ali 25 12000
2 Ahmad 30 15000
3 Hassaan 35 11000
4 Fatima 27 9000
5 Ayesha 29 8000
Employees having Salary > 10K
1 Ali 25 12000
2 Ahmad 30 15000
3 Hassaan 35 11000
Average Salary
JDBC-ODBC bridge does not work for Java 8 so you have to download another driver and add its library. A detailed guideline document has been uploaded in the Downloads section of VULMS. You can read the guideline document from the following link:
You can take help from the following audio tutorial that will help you in better way.
You can view all files from the following folder:
See the attached guideline document as how to add jar files to your NetBeans project and then connecting with database.
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 4th July, 2016.
For any query about the assignment, contact at
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
- The assignment is submitted after due date.
- The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
- The assignment is fully or partially copied from (other Student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).
- The assignment is not submitted in .java format.
Uploading instructions
Your submission must include:
- You have to make a zip file which contains three java files, one database file and upload it on VULMS.
Note: Use Notepad or Notepad++ for coding and JDK package for java source code compilation and running (A guideline document on JDK installation and configuration is given in course download section). You can also use IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans.
The objective of this assignment is to
- Give you some practice exercise of Classes and Objects.
- Develop GUI (Graphical User Interface) in java
- Event handling on GUI
- Understand the concept of java database connectivity
Problem Statement:
You are required to write a java program which contains three classes named as Main, employeeDB, GUI and one database file named employeeDB.
employeeDB class must have the following member methods:
- getConnection()
- Default constructor
- employeeRecords()
- averageSalary()
- empSalary()
getConnection(): It should have functionality to connect to database and return an object of type Connection.
Default Constructor: It should call the getConnection() method.
employeeRecords(): It should display all employee records from the database table named Employee.
averageSalary(): It should return a value of type integer which is the average salary of all employees from Employee table.
empSalary(): It should display all employee records having salary greater than 10,000.
GUI class must have the following member methods:
- Default constructor
- Event handling function
Event handling function: All three buttons should have event handling mechanism.
- When user clicks button1 then it should retrieve all employee records from the database table named Employee and display it on Command prompt.
- When user clicks button2 then it should retrieve all employee records having salary greater than 10,000 from Employee table and display it on Command prompt.
- When user clicks button3 then it should calculate the average salary of employees from Employee table and display it on Command prompt.
Main is a public driver class that contains the main() method. Within main() method, you will create an object of GUI class.
Database file contains the Employee data which has four properties Id, Name, Age and Salary.
Sample Output:
Output on Command prompt
All Employee records
1 Ali 25 12000
2 Ahmad 30 15000
3 Hassaan 35 11000
4 Fatima 27 9000
5 Ayesha 29 8000
Employees having Salary > 10K
1 Ali 25 12000
2 Ahmad 30 15000
3 Hassaan 35 11000
Average Salary
JDBC-ODBC bridge does not work for Java 8 so you have to download another driver and add its library. A detailed guideline document has been uploaded in the Downloads section of VULMS. You can read the guideline document from the following link:
You can take help from the following audio tutorial that will help you in better way.
You can view all files from the following folder:
See the attached guideline document as how to add jar files to your NetBeans project and then connecting with database.
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 4th July, 2016.
For any query about the assignment, contact at
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