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SOC101 SPRING 2016 Assignment No. 02 Due Date: 29/06/ 2016

IT JXt Idea Solution by  Tahir siddiqui(Mani)
Study Program : BSC-Comp Sci
R: SPRING 2016 Assignment No. 02 Due Date: 29/06/ 2016
SOC 101
Assignment Solution.

Under which school of thought of crime explanation you will describe a Terrorist? Which control Theory could be most suitable for keeping terrorists away from terrorist activities and why?
 Open system an open class system is an economic system that has upward and downward mobility, is achievement based, and allows social relations between the classes. Industrialized nations tend to have open class systems. By contrast, people in a closed class system have been confined to their ancestral occupations, and their social status has mostly been prescribed by birth. Most closed class systems are found in less industrialized countries an open class system is an economic system that has upward mobility, is achievement based, and allows social relations between the classes. The 
hierarchical social status of a person is achieved through their effort. Any status that is based on family background, ethnicity, gender, and religion, which is also known as "ascribed status," is less important. In an open class system, there is no distinct line between the classes, and there is a wide range of positions within each status level Open system give person to opportunity live their life’s freely, if a person do work hard to improve their status than it higher ability to take place in high status, the question why people involved in crimes, when they have no resources than they find unequal resources like bomb blast or target killing etc. when society give equal rights to every person it can’t be possible that people do such crimes that’s it is also very useful in stops terrorist, nobody is inherit terrorist, some life experiences make them terrorist so if we give all human’s equal rights to live cannot do blast and become terrorist.

 Why social stratification in your opinion persists generation after generations?
 When take birth in world we are not by birth rich or poor, sick or normal we are just human’s it is our society that make us so society make us doctor. Lawyer teacher we are not by birth professional, stratification is defined as a system by which society ranks categories of people in hierarchy stratification persists over generations.
Stratification is usually based on three major premises:
 a. Power: the ability to impose one’s will on others
 b. Prestige: the respect given by others
 c. Property: forms of wealth

 That’s how stratification persist in generations for instance a girl or boy stratification can’t be change till now, the concept of rich or poor rather than just humans can’t be change till now this is the persistently attitudes.


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