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Passing Criteria In Mid term And Final Term

According to old Marking Scheme
Mid term     +           Final Term                                Result
18%(Less than 20)      40%                                           Fail
40%                           18%(Less than 20)                       Fail
20%                           20%                                             Pass

And to be declared as passed as a whole in a particular subject you must have atleat 40% or CGPA equals to 1.00. grade below 40% will be included in F grade and you must have to reapear in that subject in which you have F grade. D grade subjects are not necessary to improve. You can carry on with D grade but if you want to improve D grade then you can improve it only once before the issuance of degree, otherwise you will not be able to improve D grade once you got your degree.
Assignments/Qiuzs/GDBS are like bonus for you. do your best in it to get Excellent Grades. these are only 20% of your Total Grade but improve your semester performance. So make them as excellent as you can. 
According to New Scheme
Now there is a little bit change in new VU grading Scheme you must achieve atleast 20% in mid term and 30% in final term atleast and your final term aggregate should be atleast 50%. Grade below 50% will be considered as F grade.
I have confirmed it from Examination department and they told me that
Dear Student
to be declared as Pass in any subject you must achieve at least 50% (Mid+Final) aggregate in your exams otherwise you must improve your course again (reapear in the same subject in which you have less than 50%)
It means that it is ok that you get 20% in mid term you are pass but to pass final term as well you should must have 30% in final term. (20%+30%=50%=Pass) or 25%+25% = 50% = Pass etc
If a student fails to get atleast 20% in mid term exams but gets good marks in final term and Assignments,quizes or GDBs then he/she will not be declared as Pass because mid term score is less then 20% he/she will get F grade.
Similarly if a student gets good marks in mid term /GDB/Quiz but fails to get good marks according to scheme then he/she will not Pass and will get F grade. because final term exam result aggregate must be equal to 50% otherwise no chance to pass.


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