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ISL201 GDB # 1 DUE DATE 28 JUNE 2016

 ISL201 GDB # 1 DUE DATE 28 JUNE 2016


Knowledge is the greatest blessing of Allah and due to it; human being is superior to all other creatures. Knowledge and education are the very important factors for development of every society. If the members of a society are educated and mannered, society will grow better. Men and women have the same importance and status in the development of society and family. Especially mother has to play vital role in training of her kids as mother’s lap is the first training center of child. Keeping the above scenario in view, discuss the impacts of an educated mother on her children’s character building.


 Of course we all know that mothers play a vital role in the kid’s development. The foremost desire of Parents is to prepare them to stable and provide them a bright future. Thus every parent wants to see their children will be pious with excellent character. As knowledge is the blessing of Allah and Allah make human superior to all creatures due to its knowledge , it is knowledge through which a sensible person is differ to other .And when educated persons live in a society the society is being to be develop. As the environment impact the child’s birth, here main play is being played by Mothers. In the given scenario, mother’s education is used as an indicator as she can predict their children success. Besides this if a woman will be educated then she will compensate to her family on the time of trouble and became the supporter especially for their children .Children proceed to develop proficiency under their parents specially mother as she is God gifted and very loving .Overall mothers education is a highly predictor of her kid status. As children born to educate from the mother lap. In our society many people did not like to teach their girls and as a result their mental status would not be developed as the society needed and even they did not able to prepare their children to face the problems of life. Men and women have a same status in a society and where parents attitude towards kids can develop or mently growth where a society also impact to children as child speak or act as he know from their society.


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