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CS610 Current Mid Term Papers Spring 2016

1. WAN ki capacity ko kesy increase kr skty hn? 5marks
2. LAN ko extend krnay k lia repeaters use hoty hn tou ap btaen k repeaters ki wajah se koi problem tou ni hoti LAN ma. Give three reasons to support ur answer.
3.Virtual Channel used in ATM ki two types btaen. Write their full names.
4. Which of the following are ethernet fields: CRC, Flag, Frame Type, Preamble, 2 or b the name yaad ni
5. A cycle of bridge ki problem likhi hu v thi. Btana tha k kon sa algorith is problem ko solve kray ga? Page no 53 pr iska answer ha "Distributed Spanning Tree (DST)"
mcq's mostly moaaz ki file se
6. Which technology is used to copy frame data directly from main memory?
Ans: DMA technology is used to copy frame data directly from main memory.

CS610_ 29/5/2016_9:00am
Total questions 26
20 MCQs and 6 sub. Questions
MCQS 50% from past papers
Subjective part is as under;
  • In which part of a frame the destination and source addresses are located? (2 Marks)
  • ATM network specifies a 24 bits VPI/VCI connection identifier. How many bits VPI and VCI occupies individually? (2 Marks)
  • Why repeaters are not used for extension with large networks? Give at least two reasons. (3 Marks)
  • Suppose in a university campus, bridges are used in its local area network. Explain all steps, how bridge builds up address list table of all attached computers? (3 Marks)
  • Suppose you want to add large amount of systems in your WAN to increase its capacity. Which type of switching devices will be used? Also write the names of these switching devices along with difference between them. (5 Marks)
  • Repeaters are used to extend a LAN. Suppose we have unlimited number of repeaters. Can we extend a LAN that spans the whole world using repeaters? Give at least three reasons to support your answer. (5 Marks)
2-vpi-8bit and vci-16bit
wQuestion: Can we increase the maximum cable lenght as many times as we wish by just adding repeaters?
wAnswer: No
–Every repeater introduces a delay
–Access mechanisms such as CSMA/CD does not work with long delays
–Ethernet standard specifies that any two stations cannot be seperated by more than four repeaters

اسلام علیکم ورحمته الله وبركاته
Q:1 Lahore sy Londn k office tk ak vedio share krni h to hm network ke kon c type use kry gy? LAN,WAN ya MAN(2marks)
Q:2 In which part of a frame the destination and source addresses are located? (2 Marks) Q:3Identify the Ethernet frame field:(3 Marks) (i)CRC (ii)Fragment offset (iii)Frame Type (iv)Flags (v)Preambles
Q:4 Which two identifires in ATM are used to make virtual circuit?(3 Marks)
Q:5Repeaters are used to extend a LAN. Suppose we have unlimited number of repeaters. Can we extend a LAN that spans the whole world using repeaters? Give at least three reasons to support your answer. (5 Marks)
Q:6 Star textile has multiple LAN’s with packet switchesIt is required that if any link goes down/break the entire network traffic should arrive to respective destination smoothly.Which algorithm will used to meet this requirement? Give at least two reason to support your answer.(5 Marks)

CS610_ Current_Paper
Total questions 26
20 MCQs and 6 sub. Questions
MCQS 50% from past papers
Subjective part is as under;
In which part of a frame the destination and source addresses are located? (2 Marks)
ATM network specifies a 24 bits VPI/VCI connection identifier. How many bits VPI and VCI occupies individually? (2 Marks)
Why repeaters are not used for extension with large networks? Give at least two reasons. (3 Marks)
Suppose in a university campus, bridges are used in its local area network. Explain all steps, how bridge builds up address list table of all attached computers? (3 Marks)
Suppose you want to add large amount of systems in your WAN to increase its capacity. Which type of switching devices will be used? Also write the names of these switching devices along with difference between them. (5 Marks)
Repeaters are used to extend a LAN. Suppose we have unlimited number of repeaters. Can we extend a LAN that spans the whole world using repeaters? Give at least three reasons to support your answer. (5 Marks)


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