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cs601 Assigment 2 2016

CS 601

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Question No.1:
         Calculate the bandwidth required of the given AM Station with proper unit.
         Modulating signal with bandwidth of 7 KHz
Bandwidth of AM signal (Modulated signal) = 2*bandwidth of modulating signal (audio).
Bandwidth of AM signal (Modulated signal) = 2*(7 KHz)
 Bandwidth of AM signal (Modulated signal) = 14 KHz (Bandwidth for an AM station).
         Calculate the bandwidth required of the given FM Station with proper unit.
         Modulating signal with frequencies of 10000 to 19000 Hz.       

Fc1-Fc0 = 19,000-10,000
 = 9000 Hz
 = 9 KHz
           Bandwidth of FM signal (modulated signal) = 10*bandwidth of modulating signal
                                                                                  = 10 * 9 KHz
                                                                                 = 90 KHz
     Now convert into MHz,
          Bandwidth of FM signal (modulated signal) = 90 KHz/1000
                                                                                 = 0.09MH
Question No. 2:
Suppose, if the bandwidth of the medium is 16,000Hz and the difference between the two carrier frequencies (fc1 and fc0) is 2000Hz, and the transmission is in full duplex mode. Find the maximum baud rate for FSK signal in each direction with all necessary calculation and proper unit.

Bandwidth = Max. Baud rate + (Fc1 – Fc0)
Bandwidth – (Fc1-Fc0) = Max. Baud rate
16,000-2000 = Max. Baud rate
14,000          = Max. Baud rate
For each direction
Max. Baud rate = Bandwidth/2 – (Fc1-Fc0)
                           = 16,000/2Hz – 2000Hz
                          = 8000Hz – 2000Hz
Max. Baud rate = 6000Hz
         Maximum Baud rate is therefore 16,000 minus the frequency shift.
         And bit rate is also 16,000 minus frequency shift.
         In full duplex mode it is equal to 8000 minus the frequency shift.

Question No. 3:
          What is the functionality of splitterin cable modem?

In cable modem a splitter can be used to connect multiple devices.

          Calculate the Effect of noise on Parallel Flat Wire by using following diagram?


Parallel Flat Wire
         In the past, two parallel flat wires were used for communication.
         However, EM interference from devices such as motor can create noise over those wires.

         Effect of noise on Parallel flat wires

         The total effect is
                                            20-16 = 4
         If the two wires are parallel, the wire closest to the source of the noise gets more interference and ends up with a higher voltage level than the wire further away.
         This result in an uneven load and a damaged signal.


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