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CS401 Assignment No. 2 Solution 2016 Due Date Jun 29, 2016

Write an assembly language code to print your VU ID and Name as shown in example figure given below

using String Instructions.VU ID and Name text color must be green and it should have blue 

background. Explain each instruction of program and also provide/paste snapshot of final output on the Screen.

Note: Before displaying VU ID and Name on screen, clear the screen. You will not be able to display VU ID and Name on screen in Windows so you will have to use the DOSBOX

1. Print your own VU ID and Name on screen otherwise your file will be awarded zero marks.

2. You will submit your code written in Word file.

Here is the solution it is not perfect one You all are advised to manipulate code and make it exactly same to given one.
[org 0x0100]
jmp start
message: db 'BC140402312 Imtiaz Azeem'
; subroutine to clear the screen
clrscr: push es
push ax
push cx
push di
mov ax, 0xb800
mov es, ax ; point es to video base
xor di, di ; point di to top left column
mov ax, 0x0720 ; space char in normal attribute
mov cx, 3000 ; number of screen locations
cld ; auto increment mode
rep stosw ; clear the whole screen
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
pop es
call clrscr;
mov ah, 0x13 ; service 13 - print string
mov al, 1 ; subservice 01 – update cursor
mov bh, 0 ; output on page 0
mov bl, 7 ; normal attrib
mov dx, 0x0F07 ; row 10 column 3
mov cx, 24 ; length of string
push cs
pop es ; segment of string
mov bp, message ; offset of string
int 0x10 ; call BIOS video service
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
int 0x21


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