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CS201 Assignment No 2 Due Date 28-06-2016

Assignment 2 of CS201 is continuity of assignment 1. You have to do the same task as you did in assignment 1 but this time you have to use structure variables. You have to write C++ program in which;

• You are required to define 2 structures named as Rectangle and Trapezoid.
• Rectangle has 3 data members, width, length and area
• Trapezoid has 4 data members named as height, base1, base2 and area.
• Provide 2 options to the user as below:
 Enter 1 to calculate the area of Rectangle
 Enter 2 to calculate the area of a Trapezoid

• If the user enters 1, then
 Object (variable) of Rectangle structure is created
 The program should ask the user to enter the width and length of the rectangle
 Assign input values to data members of Rectangle Structure
 Then show the result after calculation. Formula for calculating Area of rectangle is
Area = width x Length.

• If the user enters 2, then
 Object (variable) of Trapezoid structure is created
 The program should ask the user to enter the base1, base2, and height of the trapezoid
 Assign input values to data members of Trapezoid structure
 Then shows the result after calculation. Formula for calculating Area of trapezoid is
Area =
• You must implement two different functions for calculating areas of rectangle and trapezoid.
• After taking the choice from the user in form of 1 or 2 and assigning entered values to respective structure data members, the relevant function should be called to calculate area.
• Function for calculating area should return a value that would be stored in data member of structure to store respective area.
• After storing area, it should be displayed on screen.
• After showing the output to the user, you need to ask the user if he/she wants to do another calculation. If the user presses y or Y, then the program should ask the user again to enter the choice of shape otherwise the program should be terminated.


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